A few days ago Ernie, the neighbor who was a commercial beekeeper in California, was by to check on me and bees and while here, offered a few thoughts and suggestions, which I think have merit.
First,he says the former queen may have been smothered when I opened the hive in March to remove the two bars of honey. After not being disturbed since November, the bees were seriously alarmed by their hive being invaded and gathered too tightly around the queen in an effort to protect her and thus smothered her. Not much better than the robber bees killing her, but I think more plausible. What I learned from that...slowly begin the process of opening the hives in the spring after a long layoff. Next year I would gradually reintroduce myself by first visiting the hive and talking, letting them get used to my voice and scent, before opening the hive. And then when opening the hive, lift an end bar for 10 seconds, letting light and air in, and then closing it again; repeat for a few times during nice weather before actually removing bars. Of course, this would also be toward the end of May (also recently learned after bees' disappearance this spring).
Also, Ernie suggests a minimal use of smoke so the bees get used to it and know that the "boss" has arrived. I could see how effective it was when he offered to be with me to check for the queen's effectiveness, which is to be done a week after she has been freed from her cage in the package. Although I had not intended to open the hives this year because we had done that way too much last year and already knew what to expect, it was too tempting, and the bee supplier also had said the queen needs to be checked. So, we did and observed that both queens are laying proficiently and in the expected brood patterns...good. However, instead of smoke I prefer the water misting method espoused by TBH and Warre beekeepers and plan to continue that when needed.
More syrup was provided to the Warre hive by placing a Boardman feeder in the entrance, where it fit nicely while allowing adequate space for an entrance; that syrup is being used more than twice as fast as the attic feeder, perhaps because there is more open surface area and it is at the lower level. (Observation a day later: No--I think it is actually visitors taking the syrup, which puts the hive at risk for robbing, although nothing to rob at this point. Removed feeder from Warre entrance and added another to the attic of the Warre; by evening of the next day, one-half of the syrup was used and many bees clustered beneath the feeders.)
And I thought we were done with the feeding learning. Back to trial and error...rereading "The People's Hive" by Abbe Warre to learn his recommendation for feeding and talking with Ken about adjustments. This is a copy of email to Ken:
I've also been considering what I heard from Ernie, recognizing that he is coming at it from a commercial mindset focused on generating as much honey as possible. Do I really want the bees to build brood that fast? It seems there would not be enough bees as the original group dies off to keep an expanded brood warm.
Having a feeding station at the entry side of the brood sounds like an excellent idea to me; it would proivde space for opening the brood area nicely. (I won't move it now because it might cause too much disturbance...I want to stay out of their way as much as possible...and I think it would cover the entrances we are using.) Repositioning the holes into the feeder to a lower level would reduce their walking path and adding more would allow more bees to move through at one time.
I'm reading "The People's Hive" which details Warre's hive and see that feeding on the floor is recommended--it's mentioned only once and briefly as far as I've read--will explore that more. The man developed a pretty good system so I think knowing/following his feeding method might be wise...
You are right about attracting other bees--when I had the extra jar of syrup outside the TBHive, 3 cups of syrup was gone in 8 hrs, which is how I knew neighbors were visiting and I was concerned about robbing, although there was no fighting and there is no honey to rob at this point. Much less traffic now that the syrup is all inside. Ernie said to place the Boardman feeder entrance into the Warre hive entrance, which is a good fit and leaves sufficient room for bees to enter; I tried that but again, 3 cups gone in a day--too much for just this hive's bees so even though they had to enter and make a hard left turn, neighbors were enjoying the feast, too. Not doing that again. I'm comfortable with the top feeding system for now as it's enclosed and the syrup level is gradually going down.
Here's what I found now that I'm liking. http://warre.biobees.com/feeders.htm