Saturday, June 29, 2019

June 29, 2019--7 week hive check

Bees doing just what they do: foraging and returning with nectar and pollen, pollen of all colors--tan, yellow, red, blue! Yesterday a group was buzzing around the front of the hive orienting themselves. Continue to feed 1:1 cane sugar syrup. They are using about two quarts every two-three days.

Opening the hive was easy--bees still gentle although more flew around me after I removed the first frame. It was almost fully drawn to the edges with good brood pattern as well as pollen and nectar cells on the outer side.  Since it was looking good and I prefer not to disturb the hive anymore than necessary, I went no further.

There is no comb at all on the frames in the second deep which I added at 3 week hive check--thinking now that was too early because they have to navigate through it to the feeder above it. Since there is no comb in that box I'm wondering about replacing it with a medium super which I see some beekeepers do for the second box which is usually brood. Will look online and check with local beekeepers--too bad I missed meeting Tuesday.

So in the end, I made no changes, added syrup and closed the hive.

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