Monday, February 17, 2014

Feb 17, 2014 Update on feeding...

I like what I found re feeding at and plan to use sugar cakes (cubes) for now as I will be aways for several weeks. Will place them on the floor of the hive when this torrential rain lets up.

Winter feeding of honey bees

Ideally, honey bees should not have to be fed in the winter. But sometimes nature conspires against us, and our colonies are plunged into winter with insufficient stores of honey. How much honey they need depends on the local climate and weather conditions, the size of the winter cluster, and the variety of bee.
Even with plenty of honey in the hive, bees sometimes starve because they can’t get to it. I’ve seen clusters starve with full frames of honey on both sides of them. I have also seen them survive on nothing more than sugar cakes for many months—and flourish the following spring.
Many colonies make it through a long, hard winter only to die in the early spring. If a hive makes it past the coldest part of the winter, it is easy to relax and not worry about the early spring—after all they made it through the worse part. But the fact is, they often use up their stores during the coldest months and starve after the weather starts to warm but before the nectar starts to flow. It is important to be vigilant about feeding during that “in-between” season.
What not to feed:
  • Never feed bees honey that comes from an unknown source. Honey can contain the spores of diseases such as American Foul Brood.
  • Never feed bees sugar with additives. Brown sugar contains molasses. Powdered sugar often contains cornstarch. Commercial fondant may contain flavorings and/or colorings. Any of these “extras” could cause honey bee dysentery.
  • Although many commercial beekeepers use high-fructose corn syrup, be aware that it may containhydroxymethylfurfural (HMF)—especially if it is old or has gotten warm. HMF is poisonous to bees.
The best feed:
  • If you don’t have extra honey from your own apiary to feed the bees, the next best thing is sugar syrup made from white table sugar.[1] The syrup used in fall and winter should be in the proportion of two parts sugar to one part water by either weight or volume.
  • If the temperatures in your area are going to be below 50°F (10°C), it is best to use fondant, sugar cakes (see candy boards), or granulated sugar rather than syrup.
  • Because table sugar lacks the micronutrients found in honey, you can add a feeding stimulant withessential oils such as Honey-B-Healthy or Pro Health to give them some added nourishment.
How to feed:
  • If your temperatures are warm (above 50°F) you can use liquid feed and one of the internal feedersso your bees don’t have to go outside to eat. Also, you may want to add a mold inhibitor.
  • If your temperatures are going to be cold, you can use a candy board, a mountain camp rim, or an empty shallow super filled with sugar cakes.
When to feed:
  • If a hive feels light in the fall, you should start feeding liquid sugar syrup (2 parts sugar to one part water) as soon as possible. When the temperature starts dipping below 50°F, switch to one of the cold-weather methods.
  • It doesn’t hurt to feed sugar proactively. I sometimes give sugar cakes as soon as the weather gets cold. In this way, they eat both honey and sugar simultaneously throughout the winter, and the honey supply lasts longer. I think this is better than having them eat only honey, and then only sugar because honey contains essential nutrients.
  • In any case, check the hives on the occasional dry and sunny day. Move frames of honey closer to the cluster, if possible, or add feed if necessary. Do not be lulled into thinking that they have “made it” just because the temperatures are warming in the spring.

[1] Whether the sugar comes from cane or beets really doesn’t matter unless you are opposed to supporting genetically modified organisms. Sugar beets may be modified to be “Round-Up Ready.”

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Feb 16, 2014 Dowsing done and hive relocated

Dowsing works!! Son Jon brought two welding rods to be used for the dowsing of the ley lines (magnetic lines of the earth). Worked amazingly well; the line was over about 2 feet from the hive. Not easy to see but wires are straight in top photo and crossed in next photo. So, space was prepared, base was set at level, and hive moved to the ley line on a north/south orientation with the entrance to the south. Although the entrance now faces the house wall, it is far enough way to allow for bees' egress and ingress.

The hive seems a bit light in weight and honey stores might be low, so will get the feeder setup going again. Although the bees were bringing in pollen a few days ago, meaning there is brood in the hive, I believe there is not sufficient nectar to bring home to keep the hive from starving. Also, son Jon has a camera with a probe for small spaces (see it on hive top); once we get the battery recharged, there will be pictures of the hive interior...tomorrow perhaps unless predicted heavy rains fall all day long.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15, 2014 Just another of those wonderful days...

At Independence home this week.  Bees were flying Wednesday during a lull in winter weather--50's and a bit of sunshine with no wind. They were returning with pollen! Many also making orientation flights so I opened the entrance by removing the block for the day; replaced it the next day when winter weather returned. Looked around to see where pollen was to be found: candytuft opening, snowdrops, forsythia, heather also. so, early spring is here and those bees know what they are supposed to do!

Time to arrange for a bee package for the Bend hive and to get the welding rods to make dowsing rods so I can resituate the Indep hive and get the Bend hive placed properly before the new inhabitants arrive in early May. See notes from Jan meeting of Central Oregon Bee group. Also, was able to visit Richard, the Prineville hive builder, and see the wonderful gardens he and his wife have created as well as see their bee hives and hear about their work and how he manages the hives.