Friday, April 10, 2020

2020 Spring Hive Check April 10, 2020

Spring in Bend Oregon has arrived! So, today I look inside the hive and see that there is still food available. The bees have been flying several times during warm days since February, returning with pollen and I assume nectar. There were several orientation flights during that time as well.

The second box has honey in the combs and bees seem to be placing pollen at the top of the comb on the right side (facing the hive at the front). I'm happy they've made it through winter and are now finding pollen and presumably safe with food stores.

Because the second box was looking full--I peered down between the combs, did not remove any because the outside one I tried first broke apart...and bees were quite unhappy--I decided to add a medium box with frames only, no foundation, which is the way I feel is best for bees to draw their own desired size comb. I will check in two weeks to see if they are drawing comb in the third box. I left the attic with insulation in place above the third box as there will still be cold nights here through May.

Look at the beautiful blue sky, 70 degrees!