Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mid-winter hive peek...

(Peek is not a hive check.) Took the interior hive temperature this morning—right at 50° so I’m thinking if the outside temperature reaches 50° today and there’s no breeze, it would be fine to open the hive, quickly check food supply and move combs as needed. To take the temperature I inserted an instant read cooking thermometer through an entrance on the back of the hive, covering the opening with the head of the thermometer. There was a loud buzzing when the 4” thermometer stem was first positioned between the combs, but that soon quieted. From that I deduce that there are bees in that area, which would be at bar 9.5, about midway in the hive. I’m also seeing them bunched on comb just inside the entrance at the front of the hive…really that big of a population I’m wondering. If so, nice.

Lifted roof to check attic area—not good. There was one big spider in residence, three earwigs, and lots of moisture and mold. Removed plastic insulation, cleaned mold away, and inserted a pillow case filled with pine pet bedding to absorb moisture, per Warre hive method.

Question: do they need food? Answer: not at this time.
Prepared 2:1 (sugar:water) in jar feeder to place inside hive between end and follower (bees can get under follower to reach it). When outside temperature was 53°, I opened hive by sliding follower and spacer to end and placed a cloth over open space to retain hive heat as much as possible. Looked at right side of B14, which still has as much honey as it did November 13. Looked at B13 left side, also with as much honey as last check on November 13. As I was peering down at B13 a bee came to check on things. That would mean they know honey is there; if interior hive temperature is 50°, they would be mobile enough to get to it. So, no syrup placed in hive and plan is to check again in two weeks to see if honey still there, providing syrup if needed.

No mold or mildew in space I could see in hive.

Notes from days gone by…
Jan 31: 50°, bees flying and a few returning with a bit of white pollen…what’s that about? Jody says that Jacqueline says they are gathering pollen to ferment for future brood. I think they are scoping out the pollen situation to decide when to start spring operations. These bees just know what to do... ;-)
Jan 28: decided to take temperature inside hive through entrance next to follower at back of hive using instant read cooking thermometer; worked well, 50° inside; no bees in the area. Read that flying bees need more nourishment than if they were quiet; these seem to fly a lot…our mild weather.

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